Thursday, November 21, 2013

"Sex & The City" Inspired Wedding - Grand Rapids, MI

Photo Credit : Every Last Detail Blog

Being the first to set up at every event, we don't always get to see how the final story plays out. That is why we LOVE it when weddings we contribute to are featured online. This is one of those events. 

The linens featured in this event were provided by Special Occasions. Click here to view the entire event:

~ The Burlap Runner ~

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank You for Our Nomination

Wow, what an amazing week it has been! Thursday, Special Occasions was invited to the Flint/Genesee County 2013 Business Awards. We were honored to be nominated for the Outstanding Women in Business Award.

The event was held at the Riverfront Banquet Center in Flint, MI. A beautiful venue which we were able to compliment with our linens for an overall stunning event. The awards banquet brought light to many of the stellar businesses that we share a community with. Awards were given in the categories of outstanding service businesses, outstanding manufacturing businesses, outstanding minority-owned businesses, outstanding woman-owned businesses, outstanding green businesses and outstanding corporate citizenship. To say the least, we were surround for an evening with truly amazing people. To contribute to the collection of amazing people, we brought with us several of our staff members. If you have worked with us in the past or met any of our staff members we hope that you will agree with us that we have one amazing staff as a whole. Everyday they make us proud with their actions and attitudes. It is because of them that we believe we were honored in this way at the Flint/Genesee County Business Awards. 

It turned out to be a lovely night filled with conversation, laughter and appreciation. While we did not take home the woman owned business award our owner, Lorrie Sage, was honored during the event for her growth and excellence in business with the ATHENAPowerLink® Award. 

After the award banquet we finished out the week by sending a few of our staff members to the Hero Round Table conference being hosted in Swartz Creek, MI. The conference spoke about the knowledge and tools needed to create humanitarian, service-focused hero's in our community and through out the world. We were honored to be part of this ground breaking cause and simply cannot wait until we can attend again next year with even more of our staff members. 

Like I said before, it was an amazing week! We are rejuvenated, ready and looking for more ways we can create a positive ripple effect within our community and those who we have the pleasure of coming in contact with on a daily basis. 

- Special Occasions

Monday, November 4, 2013

Gearing up for a Great Holiday Season

Things are starting to slow down now for the 2013 wedding season. We're seeing only a few weddings each weekend instead of the 25+ per weekend we were doing over the summer months. However as the wedding season starts to wind down, the holiday party and bridal show season is starting to ramp up! This is always such a fun time of year for us as we are able to really put our minds together and come up with some show-stopping displays of our talents at the bridal shows. If you haven't been to a bridal show with us, we would love for you to join us and see what our displays consist of. This will really give you an idea of what we can do! 

A list of our 2013/2014 Bridal Shows

November 7 : Sloan Museum, Flint
January 3/4: Four Points Sheraton, Saginaw
January 4: IMA Brookwood, Burton
January 5: Holiday Inn, Grand Blanc
January 11: Bavarian Inn, Frankenmuth
March 1: Durant, Flint
April 5: Grand Banquet Hall, Freeland

This weekend was our first bridal show of the season at the Birch Run Expo Center. What a fun time we had getting to know many of the brides and grooms we will be working with over the 2014 wedding season. 

Here is one of the tables we put together for the Birch Run bridal show. What do you think of this color combination? Do you think it will be a trend for the upcoming season?